Whatsapp Marketing

What do you usually use WhatsApp for? Is it only for personal communication, or do you also utilize it for business purposes?

Majority of WhatsApp’s vast user base primarily uses it to maintain personal connections. With over 200 million businesses worldwide already utilizing WhatsApp, it’s become more than just a tool for connecting with friends and family. Businesses have recognized WhatsApp as a marketing tool due to its wide reach and instant messaging capabilities. WhatsApp marketing allows businesses to engage with customers in a more personalized and convenient way, making it an effective platform for marketing campaigns and customer support.

The latest WhatsApp Channels update has further enhanced the marketing capabilities of businesses. With features like automated messaging, businesses can now easily send targeted messages to their customers based on their preferences and behaviours. Additionally, the introduction of the WhatsApp Business API has opened up new possibilities for businesses to integrate WhatsApp into their existing CRM systems, enabling seamless communication and better customer relationship management.

1.Whatsapp channels:

WhatsApp marketing has been a game-changer for businesses, and the introduction of WhatsApp channels takes it to a whole new level. If you’re wondering what WhatsApp channels are and how to create and use them effectively for your business, you’ve come to the right place.

What are Whatsapp channels

A WhatsApp channel can serve as your dedicated broadcasting platform. It’s the perfect platform for sharing essential updates, promotions, news, and any other information that your customers need to know.

WhatsApp channels are public and searchable. It’s easy for users to discover and follow them. This accessibility ensures that your updates can reach a broader audience. You can also keep your channel private and invite-only. This control allows you to manage who joins and receives your updates.

WhatsApp channels can serve as a direct line of communication between your business and your audience. You can deliver timely and relevant updates through your channel. Whether you’re announcing a new product, running a limited-time promotion, or sharing important news, your followers receive your messages in a focused and organized manner.

How to create a WhatsApp channel

You can create WhatsApp business channels through the Android/iOS app by following these simple steps:

  1. Open the app and select the “Updates” tab.
  2. Select the plus icon at the top right of the channel section.
  3. Click Create channel
  4. Enter channel name and description
  5. Create channel
2.Automated messages:

WhatsApp automated messages allow businesses to provide instant responses, maintain 24/7 availability, ensure message consistency, personalize interactions, and operate with unparalleled efficiency.

These automated messages streamline customer engagement, making it more convenient and efficient for both businesses and their valued customers.

You can send product announcements, sales updates, etc. through automated messages, saving time and effort compared to manually sending individual messages. Businesses can use automated messages to gather feedback and conduct surveys, enabling them to better understand their customers’ needs and preferences.

3. WhatsApp business API:

WhatsApp business APIs allow you to send automated messages to your customers, providing a seamless and personalized communication experience. With the WhatsApp business API, businesses can also integrate other tools and services, such as chatbots or CRM systems. This can further enhance customer engagement and streamline their operations. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also helps you build stronger relationships with your customers by providing timely and relevant information.

What is a WhatsApp business API

The WhatsApp business API (Application Program Interface) is a powerful tool that allows businesses to send and receive unlimited automated messages seamlessly. This automation tool enables businesses to send messages, notifications, and updates directly to their customers’ WhatsApp accounts. Additionally, the API can provide you with valuable insights and analytics on customer interactions. This allows them to optimize their messaging strategies for better results.

Whatsapp Advertising

With the WhatsApp Business app, you gain the ability to create highly customized Facebook and Instagram ads that direct users to a WhatsApp chat with your business.

If you have a Facebook account or a Facebook page linked to your WhatsApp Business account, the possibilities expand even further. You can effortlessly create ads that seamlessly appear on both Facebook and Instagram, extending your reach across these popular platforms and engaging a broader audience.

You can create WhatsApp ads using your email ID too.

Click below to learn more about creating a WhatsApp ad:


WhatsApp advertising offers you the chance to connect with your audience on a whole new level. You can create meaningful connections with your target audience and build strong relationships through personalized messaging. With WhatsApp ads, you can use the platform’s wide user base and its features like voice messages, images, and videos to effectively communicate your brand’s message.


If you’re new to WhatsApp marketing or lack the resources to manage it yourself, partnering with a WhatsApp marketing agency will be a wise decision. These agencies specialize in creating and executing effective WhatsApp marketing campaigns. They can create customised WhatsApp marketing strategies like segmenting your audience, creating engaging content, and monitoring campaign performance. They can also provide valuable insights and analytics to help you optimize your marketing efforts on WhatsApp. With their expertise and experience, WhatsApp marketing agencies can help you reach a wider audience and drive better results for your brand.

If you are in search of the right marketing agency for your business, we recommend considering a few key factors. Firstly, look for an agency that has a proven track record of successful WhatsApp marketing campaigns. Secondly, consider their understanding of your target audience. Lastly, ensure that the agency offers reporting and analysis to make decisions for future marketing efforts.

Whatsapp Marketing

Tlm studios Pvt. Ltd, is one of the best advertising agencies in Kerala, providing WhatsApp marketing services. We have a strong portfolio of successful WhatsApp marketing campaigns for various businesses in different industries. We understand the importance of identifying the specific needs and preferences of your target audience and ensuring effective communication and engagement. Contact us today and let us help you use WhatsApp to reach and connect with your customers.

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